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Today I had noodle for breakfast! 

Yesterday, I realized Jesus spent a lot of his time out with the people. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t sit in my house all day- but Cambodia is a pretty hopping place in the morning. And I was thinking I think if Jesus was hanging out here – He would go out and have breakfast with the people. 

So, I decided today I want to IN Cambodia more. This morning my roomie Elise and I went to “Karen’s Joint”. “Karen’s Joint” is in the middle of the russian market. There are multiple “cafes of sorts” that you can sit at. So we woke up, rode our bikes to the market and ate at “karen’s joint”.

In Cambodia, the people eat noodle and rice for breakfast. You may be thinking “what?”, so did I the first time I heard this. But today I decided to jump on the band wagon.

We went to Karens- she usually only offers us fried noodle or fried rice- but everytime I go I see locals eating something different. So today I told Karen I want something different. So we had chicken soup- it was khmer noodles (the thin white ones- I don’t know the official name), chicken, green onions, and I am sure some other flavors. 

It was delicious!

I love being in the market in when it is hopping! So many people. At our table- their was a mom and her little girl, then a young khmer woman, and then two miengs (means aunt in Khmer but its how I would address a women who is older than me) that were dressed nicely- they were meeting a friend. 

I love to be in the mix of things. 

I love cambodia!

I didn’t take a picture today- but here is an older picture I found- its the “cafe across from Karen’s very similar to where I was sitting today- to give you a mental picture 🙂

Meredith Trlica

This blog for Meredith Trlica is operated by Adventures In Missions, an interdenominational missions organization that focuses on discipleship, prayer and building relationships through service around the world.