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This week in Khmer class we learned how to describe emotions. I learned that for every one khmer word there are about 50 English words. It is simplistic. Makes learning simple 🙂

This week my heart was heavy. My heart broke. I could use a hundred different English words to describe what my heart was feeling but if I said it in Khmer- I would simply say, “I have feelings of a difficult heart.” 

During my afternoons I have the privilege of working with the social work team at Daughters, the organization I volunteer my time. The team is made up of 4 amazing Khmer staff and a wonderful British social work supervisor. We are in the process of training, encouraging and helping the Khmer staff who is not educationally trained in counselling/social work. I love getting to use my degree/training to help this staff pour into the ladies that Daughters serves. 

The past week we  have had some difficult cases and to be honest- I have had feelings of a difficult heart. I am not numb to the ladies’ stories and I hope I never get numb. This week there was a specifically hard case, that involved a child that has just weighed heavy on my heart. 

This child is a bundle of joy, but on most days she isn’t treated as the delight that she is.

It is not fair. 

She is three. It is not fair for anyone, no matter the age.

 I lived moment to moment this week for her. I learned that sometimes I can’t “do” anything. But in those times when you need a miracle, you have to pray and ask for one.

I cried out for her safety, for there to be away. We looked into every avenue, trying to find ways to get this girl justice, a way to bring change to her life so that her days would not continue the way they have been. 

 I found out this week what it means to pray about everything and not be anxious about anything. At the end of each day this week we were left with feelings of hopelessness and defeat. We knew that all we could do is pray, and EVERY TIME the Lord showed up. He always provided a way for her to be safe…just in that moment. And eventually a smooth conversation about her future…which lead to now a loving home for her!
 I am grateful this week. I am grateful for having feelings of a difficult heart. It brought me to my knees, it brought me to pray, to say I can’t do anything but Lord you can. 

And He did. 
 Now I know why she has so much joy- He gives it to her.

4 responses to “difficult heart”

  1. Mere,
    One of the most important lessons I learned about prayer came so late in life. However, better late than never. The lesson I reference is praying for God’s will. It sounds so simple yet I missed this for years. I wanted to pray for my will. I wanted God to give me what I wanted to happen. Once I started praying for God’s will instead of my will, I have found peace. Even though a heavy heart sometimes overcomes me, I find solace in God’s will. We are praying for you!

  2. You’re doing awesome, Mere. Going thru this kind of processing is necessary and you’re doing it honestly. Thanks for sharing.

  3. tragic. good blog on processing the pain. may our hearts feel heavy and may we also cry out to God for the lives of these little children.

Meredith Trlica

This blog for Meredith Trlica is operated by Adventures In Missions, an interdenominational missions organization that focuses on discipleship, prayer and building relationships through service around the world.