
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

The other day I was sitting on the couch with one of my dear friends talking about choices. She found this book about our choices- how people make them, and how they change the course of our lives. 

I sat and thought of choices we make, or reasons we make decisions:

opposite sex




God (hopefully all of them)

Sometimes each of these draw us towards or away from a decision. I remembered acting in defiance and doing the opposite of everything my parents told me to do! 🙂 (and sometimes still do) . 

A lot of decisions we have to “figure out on our own” and usually those decisions we like best, even if nothing goes right- because we chose it for ourselves- we understood why we were making that decision. 

My friend and I also talked about why God has made it our choice to follow Him – How he doesn’t want to force his children to believe in Him. He gave us the world to see Him, beauty surrounds us everyday, so we know He is there – Reminds me of why scientists cannot deny there is a God (“higher being”)

But following Him, giving our life away is a choice. 

that choice is a choice compelled by love! 
2 Corinthians 5:14 “For Christ’s love compels us”

Once we experience Christ’s love it compels us to do things, to follow Him- no matter what!

Those are the decisions that last- those are the ones that change your life, when you were so compelled by the Cross – and you choose to follow Christ, you choose to be obedient to what HE has called you to, you choose to love those who are hard to love, you choose to love someone even when you don’t want to, you choose to love
even when you don’t quite understand everything. 

I also think about the decisions that lead these girls in Cambodia to prostitution. How much of it was their decision? How old were they when they had to make these decisions? Did they even have a say?

I pray for the opportunity I have to tell them about Jesus. To see these women encounter the love of Jesus. To be compelled by His love

3 responses to “What Compels you”

  1. great blog mere. we are constantly making choices and decisions, from the moment we wake up to the moment we fall asleep at night. makes you really think about the choices we are constantly making…and wut propels us to make those choices!

  2. When I read the last line of your blog, I thought about how awesome it will be to see some of the girls who come out of the bar scene and meet Jesus, and then feel compelled to pull their sisters out too. I just have a feeling as they experience God’s love and freedom, they’re gonna remember what it was like for them and will want to offer that to other girls. We may be a team of four right now, but maybe God will build us into an army!