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Thoughts & Inspiration

This summer has been different to say the least:

I have graduated college,
I am moving literally half way across the world,
I am moving out a house that I have lived for the last two years with my best friends,
I have no had a bed all summer,
I am trying to raise support,
I am selling all my possessions,
Thats just the beginning but yet I remember the little things (that aren’t so little)
That I am surrounded everyday with people who love and support me,
My friends surprise me with picnics,
The family I baby sit for (and also adore) invite me to stay for dinner and I get to have a family dinner-(which I LOVE),
I get to hear my sister say “I am proud of you”,
Someone I haven’t talk to in over a year supports me,
My friend and I go for a walk and she tells me stories of “fat camp” (and amazing conversations she is having with people at camp)
I get to see my roommate trust in the Lord,
I get to see a friends face light up as she plans a beautiful wedding with a man- who loves her as Christ does,
I have a God how Loves me just the way I am,
A stranger at church says thank you for going on mission,
I find out Cambodia is exactly 12 hours difference – so it’s easy to remember,
the Lord continues to provide- like money falling out of the sky,
I get to catch up with a high school friend, after two years,
I have parents who love me and think I am worth something, 
I have parents who don’t ask me to sell my body for money, 
Cambodia is the size of Missouri (fun fact!),
That I can see God’s glory when I look outside,
I have clean drinking water,
a little boy get sad that I am leaving for two years, and when his mom tells him I am coming over to day -he says ” ITS A MIRACLE!!!!”,
The God of the universe trust me to share His name.
The Lord is constantly blessing us, and sometimes it’s hard to see with the chaos of life- but sit for a moment and rest in Him- knowing He will provide, and bigger than anything I can imagine!